
NOW! Programs® Online Dyslexia Tutoring

Can Remediate Reading Difficulties

Most of us know someone who struggles to read. They may have even received a dyslexia diagnosis. Anywhere from 5% to 20% of us are affected by developmental dyslexia. Many of those who have dyslexia have genetically inherited a predisposition for the disorder. And yet, despite its widespread nature, few people understand the condition’s true medical and neurodevelopmental nature.

Dyslexia Warning Signs

Ages 1-4

  • Persistently mispronounces words
  • Trouble with verb tenses, plurals, rhyming, playing word games
  • Difficulty telling a story in sequence
  • Trouble with articulation

Ages 4-8

  • Slow word finding; mispronounces words
  • Difficulty learning to sound out words
  • Reading is slow, effortful, unpleasant
  • Misses or changes sounds in words

Ages 9 to adult

  • Avoids reading; reads slowly; guesses at words
  • Poor speller
  • Mixes up letters in words
  • Misses or changes sounds in words

Dyslexia: Dispelling Myths

An abundance of myths and misinformation may prevent children affected by dyslexia from getting the early intervention that could help them overcome this challenge before they fall seriously behind. Too many children struggle needlessly for years harming self esteem and mental health.

  • “Don’t worry. He might catch up later.”
  • “She’ll read when she’s ready.”
  • “Boys always learn to read later than girls.”
  • “It just hasn’t clicked yet.”

These well intentioned statements have no basis in fact and are just not supported by the science of how people learn to read. 

Research has shown phonological processing, the ability to identify, understand, and use the wide variety of sounds in spoken language, plays a very important role in the development of reading skills. We begin developing these skills before birth and continue to develop them through early childhood. Unfortunately, some children do not attain strong phonological processing skills on their own.

Developing Language Building Blocks

with Dyslexia Tutoring Online

A child with deficits in phonological awareness will have trouble distinguishing the different sounds in words and will struggle with letters, letter sounds, and rhyming. They may persistently mispronounce words even after hearing others say them correctly.  Children learn to speak long before they learn to read or write. Those with poor phonological skills display their deficits well before they are old enough to go to school.

A child with deficits in phonological awareness will have trouble distinguishing the different sounds in words and will struggle with letters, letter sounds, and rhyming. They may persistently mispronounce words even after hearing others say them correctly.  Children learn to speak long before they learn to read or write. Those with poor phonological skills display their deficits well before they are old enough to go to school.

It’s Never Too Late to

Improve Reading Skills with Online Dyslexia Tutoring

While it may sound too good to be true, the poor skills that cause you or your child to struggle can be remediated. Our evidence-based, online dyslexia tutoring program has been scientifically proven to improve reading accuracy and reading fluency with lasting results! Just look at the results of our research.

Students who completed the NOW! Foundations program in kindergarten showed reading accuracy and fluency above their grade level when tested in 2nd grade, and again in 4th grade, two years after intervention ended.

Schedule Sessions with a

Dyslexia Tutor Online

We offer several choices to make it easy for you to access our online dyslexia tutoring. For those who want 1:1 learning, individual sessions are available at $85 per session. Small group sessions for two students are just $50 per session, per student. Larger groups of 3 to 4 students are $30 per session, per student. These rates are comparable to or less than standard academic tutoring services that don’t even address learning disabilities. Your investment now for a few short months can enable a lifetime of more effective and efficient learning. 

The time is NOW!

Conquer learning differences and acquire the skills needed for academic and career success. Sign up for a free consultation to get started.

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