About Dr. Conway
Help for those with Dyslexia & other Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Dr. Conway is trained in lifespan clinical neuropsychology with a specialty in The Morris Center’s (TMC) 30+ years of a robust, evidence-based, Transdisciplinary Team approach to assessment & treatment. The TMC team can include Neuropsych, Speech, OT, Peds, Rec Therapy, School Psych, Clinical Psych, Psychiatry & Education. TMC Transdisciplinary Team assessment services effectively plan & provide team treatment for the language, sensory, motor, attention, behavior, executive function/cognitive & academic deficits found in many disorders, eg, Dyslexia, Specific Learning Disorder in Reading or Writing or Arithmetic, Phonological Alexia, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, Autism, Language Disorders, Dyspraxia, CP, NF1 & Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
Also, in EdTech, Dr. Conway’s unique expertise & “evidence-based with large gains” programs from the “Neuro-development of Words – NOW! company” stem from being transdisciplinary trained & peer-review research published in the areas of fMRI/neuroimaging, post-stroke neurorehabilitation, Dyslexia early intervention, Dyslexia remediation and randomized controlled clinical trials (RCT). Beginning with his training with the late Patricia Conway Lindamood and Charles Lindamood in the 1980’s and his collaboration with The Morris Center (TMC) since 1989, the TMC clinic’s first Neurodevelopmental Disorders publication was in 1991 Annals of Dyslexia & became pilot data for 10yrs of NIH funded RCT’s with Torgesen group, Dr Conway & TMC. Dr Conway & TMC’s program of research on Dyslexia & Neurodevelopmental Disorders has been active for over 25 years.
Combining 30+ years of TMC clinical practice, peer-reviewed & Randomized Controlled Trials research lead to four NOW! Company programs being exclusively provided by TMC clinics, online NOW! Company’s eTutoring, The Einstein School for dyslexia & other programs
Dr. Conway trained in both Neurodevelopmental Disorders and brain injury acquired disorders for a lifespan neurorehabilitation approach to the application of his & colleague’s research on providing highly effective, evidence-based treatments.
Note: Scientific research shows most academic abilities can be fully remediated to a person’s true IQ. Fully functioning skills provides far greater empowerment than accommodations or lowered expectations.
Dr. Conway trains & guides teams of professionals in medical clinics, schools, university student services or adult education programs, prisons’ schools & other settings. Within these settings, he has successfully developed early intervention, remediation and neurorehabilitation programs for children, teenagers, adults and older adults (2.5 years old through 84 years old). Dr Conway consults on treatment and forensic cases, lectures at professional conferences and provides contractual, high-fidelity training and evidence-based treatments and research-based treatments throughout the USA, West Indies, Canada, UK, EU, Latin America. Globally, Dr Conway’s EdTech “Neuro-development of Words – NOW!” company’s provides online, evidence-based & research-based tutoring services nowprograms.wpenginepowered.com.
NOW! FOUNDATIONS FOR SPEECH, LANGUAGE, READING AND SPELLING® PROGRAM is the latest iteration of a 20+ years program of research that began in 1989 & was first published in 1991.
- Empower Dyslexia #5: How to find a Dyslexia Program that Really Works
- Empower Dyslexia #4: Comprehension, Attention & Executive Function
- Empower Dyslexia #3: #DyslexiaChallenge Update Show
- Early Child Development Podcast Australia
- EmpowerDyslexia #1
- EmpowerDyslexia #2
- iHeartRadio with Daaiyah Cixx on “What is Dyslexia?”
- Dr. Conway’s own early intervention Dyslexia tutor shares 5 decades of Dyslexia
- Univ Alabama Birmingham Peds Medical Grand Rounds on Dyslexia for 300 healthcare professionals
- What do clients of The Morris Center or NOW! Company say about their child’s outcomes!
Research Interests
- Neuropsychology
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Learning Disabilities
- Language disorders
- Reading
- Dyslexia and Dysgraphia
- Special Education
- Working Memory
- Dyslexia
- Developmental dyslexia
- Alexia Agraphia
- Aphasia
- Aphasia and Aphasia Rehabilitation
- Aphasia In Multilinguals and Rehabilitation of Multilingual Stroke Survivors With Aphasia
- Teaching and Learning Writing and Reading
- Psychology
- Teacher Education
- Cognitive Science
- Education
- Cognitive Neuropsychology
- Neuroimaging
University of Florida, Dept of Clinical and Health Psychology; Dept of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences; The Morris Center; Neuro-development of Words – NOW!; The Einstein School, Afl Research Assistant Prof.