
Why is high intensity and frequency important for dyslexia treatment?

This mother explains how the high intensity and frequency of practice, 1 hour after school everyday, using the NOW! Programs® improved her son’s confidence, reading and spelling abilities.

Max found his voice

The Morris Centre Trinidad and Tobago helps young Max, age 5, with autism, build stronger language skills. Through the transdisciplinary teams use of intensive OT, speech therapy with the NOW! Foundations for Speech Language Reading and Spelling® program and behavior management Max began building stronger phonological processing, sensory, motor, attention and focus skills.

“Her personality changed” – NOW! Programs® remediates language difficulties & allows kids to blossom

No child should be limited by their language difficulties. Remediation through the NOW! Programs® helps children move beyond their language struggles and share their personalities with the world!

Down Syndrome: Can the NOW! Foundations program improve phonological awareness, read, spell & speak?

Mrs. Ali talks about her daughter, Isabella, has Down Syndrome which is known to include poor phonological awareness, trouble learning to read and spell and having more limited expressive language skills.

Mom Shares: 5 weeks into NOW! Company online lessons in T&T, we saw more confidence with his reading

What do you do when your son continues to struggle to learn to read and he is over 10 years old? What happens when testing shows 4 areas of language deficits impacting reading, spelling, writing, comprehending? What do you do when traditional tutoring yields slow to no progress?

Dyslexia Caused Him to Hate School. NOW! eTutoring Changed That.

Testimonial from a 4th Grader and his mom who did the NOW! Foundations™ program via eTutoring. Diagnosed with dyslexia, he went from struggling to read and comprehend to making A’s and B’s in his classes, and now enjoys going to school to show off his “new skills.”

From Trying to Survive to NOW! She Thrives

Testimonial of the family of a high school girl who struggled to read, write, and express herself and is now reading and writing at above her grade level and engaging in public speaking. She went through the NOW! Foundations™ program and the NOW! Mental Imagery™ program via eTutoring.

From Struggling With Dyslexia to A/B Honor Roll!

Testimonial of the family of a high school girl who struggled to read, write, and express herself and is now reading and writing at above her grade level and engaging in public speaking. She went through the NOW! Foundations™ program and the NOW! Mental Imagery™ program via eTutoring.

Skeptic PhD Dad Asks: Can The Morris Center Empower My Son?

Testimonial from a father of an elementary school child. Another example of a skeptic turned into a believer after the powerful effects of NOW! Programs®. His son complete NOW! Foundations for Speech, Language, Reading and Spelling®.

No More Reading Struggles

Testimonial from a family of a middle school child with dyslexia, after completing the intensive treatment program at The Morris Center in Ocala, FL. After completing NOW! Foundations, NOW! Mental Imagery, NOW! Grammar and Writing, and NOW! Math Concept Imagery, his academic struggles are now behind him.

From “Frustrated” to Honor Roll

Testimonial from a family of a middle school child with dyslexia, after completing the intensive treatment program at The Morris Center in Gainesville, FL.

Was Her Dyslexia Cured?

Testimonial from a family of an elementary school child with dyslexia, after completing the intensive treatment program at The Morris Center in Ocala, FL

Dr. Tim Conway – The Morris Center

Dr. Tim Conway briefly discusses the neuropsychology of dyslexia, the unique, state-of-the-art transdisciplinary approach taken by The Morris Center’s Team of licensed professionals and how research studies by The Morris Center and its clinical data show that weaker skills (poor phonological processing, reading, spelling, writing and speech) can be improved for children and adults with dyslexia.

Success Stories: Then vs NOW!

Reading Sample – Before NOW! Company’s Dyslexia Empowerment Program.

A twelve-year old girl with dyslexia struggling to read.

Improved Reading Skills – After Completing NOW! Programs

Same girl as above, one year after going through NOW! Foundations.

Now! Foundations™ – Boy With Dyslexia Struggles, but @ :34 See His New Reading Skills

A nine-year old boy with dyslexia struggles to read. After nine weeks of NOW! Foundations, you can see the difference in his ability and confidence. (Enable closed captions to see how his rate and accuracy have improved)

The time is NOW!

Conquer learning differences and acquire the skills needed for academic and career success. Sign up for a free consultation to get started.

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